Update + Gaming as a Sport

February 26, 2011 at 12:49 pm (Books, Console Gaming, Gaming, Other, PC Gaming) (, , , , )

Hello all! It’s been a long while since I last posted, but here I am with an update!


First off I wanted to ask a simple question; Would you consider gaming as a major league sport?

For me, who sees gaming as more than just a pass time, gaming is a huge sport. One that incorporates many ideas similar to current sports. And before I go on, to those of you who say gaming isn’t a sport because of it requiring no physical exertion, let me ask you this in response; How is golf a sport, when it requires little to know physical exertion besides walking and swinging?

The answer is simple. The game of golf is a big mental game. You have to calculate wind speeds, trajectory, angle, slopes, everything. In gaming you have to think in the same manner, “how will going this way affect my chances as success?” “How will this shortcut help?” “How much do I have to lead my shot to hit this moving target?”

If the gaming to golf comparison isn’t a good one for you, think of it this way. Gaming is to Sport as Starcraft is to Chess. And trust me on this one, Starcraft is like a giant game of chess on crack.

I don’t have a huge amount to say on this subject, but I wanted to get that out there. Feel free to give some rebuttals, I’d love a good debate on this topic.


But onwards from that, I’d like to share some about the book series I’ve recently finished.

The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. All five parts of the original trilogy.

It’s got everything from space travel to time travel, the end of the universe, the beginning of the universe. The answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything (But coincidentally no question to go with said answer) to a Chronically Depressed Robot.

I’ve never enjoyed reading nonsense in the way I did with the Hitchhikers guide, and I wanted to share that with you. Go read it, as slow as a top speed cheetah inside a plummeting whale with a bowl of petunias on it’s head.


I like video games if you haven’t noticed. If you haven’t noticed you should realize that from the previous statement.

There are new games coming out that I am highly anticipating, some of these are Portal 2 and Battlefield 3. And perhaps the humorous coming of Duke Nukem Forever (Though I really just want to see what kind of drama that creates between brand new fanboys and die-hard ‘not as good as the old ones’ people).

For those of you who don’t keep up on gaming trends, Portal 2 is the sequel to the greatest puzzle game in history (In my world at the very least). It sports an incredible mechanic between two interconnecting portals (Speedy thing goes in, speedy thing comes out), a sarcastic robot bent on having killed and luring you with baked goods (You will be baked, and then there will be cake), and an amazing song that most everybody knows. (Video for if you missed this piece of work.)


Battlefield 3 is the true successor to Battlefield 2 (Who knew? Right?). It will include a Singleplayer, and a Multiplayer (Never saw that coming, did you?). The Multiplayer is the main focus, including Jets, Prone (Which was not included in and one of the big complaints with BFBC2), and a whopping support for 64 players at a time*. I am really excited for this one, and it promises to be huge.


That’s all for this update, and will hopefully get around to writing again soon.


*64 player online support for PC version only.


  1. BjLimpkizzle said,

    Where is my honorable mention sir? WHERE. Also gaming is a sport. COMPETITVE TF2 ANYONE? I think you should keep in mind something, Caps lock is cruise control for cool. But even with cruise control you still need to steer. SO. With this. Please make your next post in CAPS. With my mention in it. In lowercase. Good plan.

    • Tyler Reid said,

      Simple answer: My blog, my choice of whether someone is mentioned. And no caps. It’s not cool anymore.

  2. adjinneed said,

    I have attended Major League Gaming a few times and am big into gaming didn’t compete though because i don’t have many close friends that are into competitive gaming like i am, but i absolutely agree and i consider competitive gaming a sport. I would like to get a discussion going about this lol

    • Tyler Reid said,

      I’d love to have a good conversation about this. I know quite a few people who’ve played competitively and say that it gets just as heated as an “official” sport, but not in the shouting and screaming type of heated. More of the Golf or Chess type where you can feel the tension or the relief without any sounds.

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